Saturday, September 22, 2012


At this point, you may have come to one of three conclusions:

  1. You're doing exactly what you need to do to get where you want to be. (Good job!)
  2. You haven't really been moving in the direction you should be in order to achieve your goals. Or...
  3. The goals you had in mind aren't really worth dedicating your entire life towards pursuing.
No matter where you find yourself in life, you can always find a way to get back on track. One of the greatest aspects of life is that no matter how many wrong decisions you make, you always have the option of making your next decision a morally/productively "right" one. If people applied this concept to their eating or exercising habits, we wouldn't hear so many say, "I'll start again on Monday."

Think about this:
If you have a hectic day, and happen to miss a meal, do you quit eating altogether? Imagine missing a meal and telling yourself, "I'm such a bad eater! I quit! I'm never going to eat again! I'm just not good at it!"
That would be pretty ridiculous, wouldn't you agree? Unfortunately, people tend to think this way about things such as abandoning addictions, prayer, exercise, and dieting. 
  • "I hadn't smoked in 3 weeks, and now I smoked a cigarette. I'm not good at this quitting thing, forget it, I give up on quitting."
  • "I tried really hard to not have sex, but I ended up sleeping with someone... I'll never be able to control myself. Forget trying."
  • "I tried working out consistently, but then I missed a workout. And then another one. And another one! I don't have what it takes. Guess I'll try again next year."
  • "I tried praying to God every morning, but I forgot to pray today. What's wrong with me? I must not love Him as much as other people at my church. Whatever, He knows my heart."
My point is this; Five successes and one failure is still a success. In the same way, five failures, followed by one success, is still success. No matter what you've done in the past, or what you do today, you still have an opportunity to live a good life. 

And the funny thing is, that's exactly what Jesus Christ said he wanted for your life. A lot of people look at God and Jesus Christ as a buzz-kill. Two supernatural, egotistic, self-centered fun-robbers. With the way the Gospel is incorrectly preached in many churches, I can honestly say I understand your confusion. But the truth is, Jesus himself was quoted saying, 

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life,  and have it in abundance." (John 10:10)

To the full. Till it overflows...

Whether Christian, Buddhist, Agnostic, or Atheist, an abundant life is probably something you crave. We all want enjoyment. Are you surprised that God wants you to have fun and be successful? Yeah, I said it. (The popes of the past are rolling in their graves.)

Today, I want to end with a very open-ended question. Write down as many answers as you'd like.

What brings you enjoyment?

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