Wednesday, September 19, 2012


No, not Jesus, the hispanic kid who sat next to you in eighth grade. Jesus Christ, that guy Christians claim is the "Son of God". Many people have searched for him in tombs, graves, and monasteries all over the world. Some say he's alive and walking the earth, others say he died just like any other man. No one can find him. He's like the Waldo (or Carmen San Diego) of religion. Some claim they saw him on their burnt toast, while others say he is a myth. One thing is certain; everyone has something to say about Jesus.

What would you say if I told you I found him? If you saw me running to the local newspaper building screaming "I found Jesus! He's real!"? You'd think I was crazy, until I showed some type of proof. Even still there would be doubts, because fake evidence is easy to create. I would literally have to introduce you to him. Maybe coffee for three? That would open up some great conversation. I wonder what Jesus would order from Starbucks...

Maybe now is a good time to say that I haven't sat in front of Jesus in person and had coffee with him. I don't know where He is geographically. I don't even know what he looks like. But strangely enough, I've come to know him pretty well. He's definitely someone worth knowing. And while the three of us (You, Jesus, and I) can't share a Pizza from Frankie's, or go play Mini Golf, I think that it would be pretty cool if you and I could sit and talk with him. For those that don't believe Jesus is real, entertain yourself with the idea that you and I are having tea (or coffee) with an imaginary friend who happens to bring up some saucy topics about life. 

For those that do believe in Jesus, this blog should challenge you to pinpoint where he stands in your life. Is he kind of just behind you, watching all the decisions you make, and wishing he could be more than a backseat driver in your life? Did you leave him outside on the porch, afraid to include him in your private life behind doors? Or do you have him in the passenger seat, letting him take the wheel only when you need to take a bite out of your Big Mac? For you, the challenge is that you would unbuckle your seatbelt, and switch seats with him, letting him guide you through life.

Now I will ask you: in your life, where is "Jesus"?

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