Wednesday, September 19, 2012


If you haven't read my last post, I'd recommend starting there. If you already did, then pat yourself on the back. You're doing good. This might just make sense.

I ended by asking you, "In your life, where is Jesus?"

I should start by saying that there is only one correct answer to this, which I'll give you by the end of this post. This question reflects the human tendency to think that the world revolves around us personally. Just the idea of locating something based on its proximity to me is completely egocentric, and ignorant to say the least.

Many of us know that until recently (recently being hundreds of years), scientists believed the Sun revolved around the Earth. Man was so caught up in the idea that our home was the center of the universe, that they failed to notice the Earth was dependent on the Sun, and not vice versa. Without the Sun, the earth would have no light or heat, plants would wilt, and nations would freeze.

While the historic way of thinking seems so illogical scientifically, many are stuck in this method of thinking spiritually. We think that God exists to serve us, or that he doesn't exist at all because he has failed to serve us. We base our GPS (God-Positioning-System) completely on emotions, situations, and circumstances. If we don't feel God, He's either "far away", or non-existent in entirety. We are an Earth with our own Sun.

I ask you to take this moment, and analyze your relationship to your home. When you are at work, is your home far from you, or are you far from home? When you step outside your house, are you standing in front of your house, or is your house standing in front of you? Because you are the moving being (like the Earth), it is safe to say that your location is in proximity to your house, and not vice versa. I hope I'm not losing you, I know this all sounds pretty confusing.

My point is this: God hasn't moved. No matter how many circles you've tried to run around Him, He is still right there.

Instead of trying to "look for Jesus", or "find God", why don't we take a second to figure out where we are? This is a challenge to atheists and theists alike. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself to figure out where you stand in this universe:

  • What role do people play on the Earth?
  • What is the purpose of my life?
  • Am I living in a way that would lead me to achieve this purpose?
  • What goals do I have?
  • Who is the central character of my goals?
A wise man once said, "Attention influences direction, which determines destination."

The things you pay attention to influence the direction of your life. The direction your life is heading determines the destination you end up at in the end of this vapor we call life. 

Are you living in a way that projects a proper course for the destination of your life? 

What are you doing to draw closer to those goals?

That's enough for today. Stay tuned for more.

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