Monday, September 8, 2014

The Challenge.

It's one of the worst feelings in the world; finishing a game or project and thinking to yourself, "I could have done so much better." This happens daily in sports practices, public speaking, and the art world. An opportunity presents itself, and for whatever reason, we only give 75% effort. If we've done something like it before, shouldn't we be able to improve with every new opportunity?

It's the same way when we are walking with Christ. Every day is a new opportunity to be more like Jesus than the day before. As days, weeks, months, and years pass, we should have so much experience that we start to really model Christ in a noticeable way! But why don't we?

The answer is our mindset. We live as if we have all the time in the world to get it right.

"When this and this happens then I'll start to live like Jesus."
"Let me clean up my life a bit before I take this religion stuff seriously."
"I keep trying to stop sinning but I keep failing. Who am I kidding, I'll never change."
"When I make enough money, then I'll start giving to things I think are worthy causes."

We have a backwards mindset that thinks that time will take care of our misfortunes, bad habits, and mistakes. The truth is that if over time you keep making the decisions your making, you'll continue to get the same results. You're not happy now, and you keep doing the things you're doing, guess what? You'll still be unhappy later!

See, God pairs His grace up with our effort. This produces lasting change. We will never be perfect, but we should never stop striving to be.

With this thought, I want to challenge you.

You have TWENTY FOUR hours to have the best day ever. How will your decisions be different today than every other day you've tried and failed?

P.S. If you can do it once, you can do it again.

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