Saturday, September 27, 2014

"I don't need to go to church."

We’ve missed the point. We’ve been led astray.
See, we’ve changed something beautiful, and we’ve made it our way.
Something that was built so great, yet at the will of our hands,
We’ve turned it into a house built on pillars of sand.

There’s a disease in the "church", called self-gratification,
And if we don’t take action now it’ll be our own condemnation.
We continue to make it about ourselves and not about Him,
Choosing our time of worship around our favorite songs and hymns.

We spend our time absorbed in making a name for our “church”,
And yet we turn our faces away from the lost and hurt.
We’re quick to help others when eyes are upon us,
Yet when no one is watching we whine and we fuss.

See, things need to change, that’s without a doubt.
We need an attitude adjustment, a spirit-led reroute.
We need to start seeing people as Christ himself does,
And stop asking ourselves what's in it for us.

It was the most unlikely of people that God Himself used;
The broken, the doubtful, the outcasts, the abused.
We have to treat each person as a gift from above,
And give them an chance to share Christ’s love.

The church was built for much more than we know,
And if we do it His way, it’ll undoubtedly grow.
Not for the money, and not for our fame,
But to help the poor, the sick, the lame.

Take your eyes off your pastors, your needs, and your band,
Put your face to the floor, cry out, lift up your hands.
Stop asking for your own gain, realize His request.
You don’t need the church, but the church needs your best.

You were made to be a part of a heavenly whole,
A body of believers, millions of souls.
You can take your own path, and go your own way,
Or take part in the victory for which you were made.

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