Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday "Christians"

Who am I talking about?

That person who's a jerk at work, but attends a worship service once a week?
That guy who cheats on his girlfriend, and has a Jesus-fish bumper sticker?
That person who posts profane material on every social media platform known to man, but has "Christian" in their about me?

If this is you, you might be offended. But don't stop here, because even the most holy Christians are no better than you. Isaiah 64:6 says that "all of our righteous acts are like filthy rags" to God, because He is perfect. Even our good deeds come from a selfish place deep in our hearts.

You might be saying, "None of this describes me, but it sure does sound like so-and-so."

As Christians it's sad that when we read "Sunday Christians", the faces of certain people in our own lives flash before our eyes. We compare their lack of commitment to our own commitment, and it bothers us that they can bear the title "Christian" and not work as hard, or be as holy. It's almost as if we think we earned God's love, and believe that others should have to earn it to.

Reality Check: God's love comes from grace. Nothing you do can make him love you more or less. And He loves the Sunday Christian just as much as He loves you. 

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

Reality Check #2: If there is a Sunday Christian in your life, thank God for the opportunity. The minute you stop judging their behaviors, lack of church attendance/commitment, and stop thinking negatively of them, is the same minute you begin to see them through the eyes of Jesus. We are called to love people to God, not judge them.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2

I'm guilty of this: Getting upset when a loved one comes to church, gets saved, comes for awhile, and stops attending. You begin to think, "Don't they get it? Don't they know there is work to do!", and you secretly hold a grudge against them that gets more bitter as each Sunday passes without seeing them.

I finally realized that this strategy doesn't work. At all. And when you're too busy judging people, not only do you push them farther from Christ and make them doubt their own relationship with God, but you harden your heart and begin to praise yourself without even realizing it. Your relationship with God becomes distant, you pray less, and you work harder but see no progress. You get frustrated, and you blame God for not being more present in your life. You begin to want more of His stuff, and less of Him. It becomes more about personal gain, and less about Jesus.

Those who judge Christians who stumble, miss church, or live a life that doesn't represent Christ... They are the "Sunday Christians". And they're the reason lost and hurting people stay away from churches. After all, who would want to walk into a place full of people who don't like them?

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