Friday, December 21, 2012


The American Dream: Rely on nobody.

Everybody wants to be able to say, "I don't need anybody. I can take care of myself." I applaud the effort, but let's get real. 

Life would be miserable if the only person you saw everyday was YOU. 

I mean, isn't our inability to be by ourselves the driving force that puts businesses like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in the spotlight? Our dependence on others is so evident, in that we go NUTS if we stay home for 12 hours straight without talking to someone. Just admit it, you need others. The sooner you come to grips with that, the sooner you'll be able to develop better relationships. And the sooner you'll stop letting us all know you're using the bathroom via social media.

I've spent the past two months speaking to high school students about the realities of poverty in our city, and was also given the opportunity to share some of my life experiences with them. One thing I realized as I spoke was that I am the person I am today because people chose to invest in me. People chose to care. People chose to give. I do what I do for others, not because I am a good person, but because others did for me. And now, it's as if this gracious giving behavior is part of my genetic code. I would be a liar if I said I am where I am today because I "worked hard" or "dreamed big".

The common misconception is that one can find pride in doing everything for themselves. I tend to think of the dad on a road trip who refuses to ask for directions. The wife begins to say "honey, why don't you ask someone for help?", and he cuts her off by saying, "I don't need anyones help! I can figure it out!". We live like this stubborn father when we refuse to ask for help, and get caught up in the pride of doing things ourselves.

I've heard people say, "the idea of a God is just a crutch for weak people who can't accept reality." 

There's so much truth in that statement, laced with lots of bull. Let's take a moment to find the gold in that pile of dung.

Step 1.) "The idea of a God is just a crutch for weak people who can't accept reality."

Step 2.) "God is just a crutch for weak people who can't accept reality."

Step 3.) "God is a crutch for weak people who can't accept reality."

The Gold: "God is a crutch for weak people who can't."

We find the truth behind our need and God's gift in His Word:

1.) We can't: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

2.) God did: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

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