Saturday, July 26, 2014

Weeds and Seeds: Knowing the Difference

I'm not the most experienced gardener, but after tending the FH garden for a few months, I learned a couple things about gardens and life.

First, it takes patience to grow something worth growing.
The best things in life take time. Good things usually don't come easy, and a lot of work is involved in building something great. A move made from a hand led by impatience can be fatal. You can't plant a seed, and the next day expect to dig up a crop. Your emergency will not speed up the growth process. Some things just need more time, no matter how talented you may be.

Second, you MUST pull up weeds.
Making no decision is a decision. If you watch your weeds grow and decide to do nothing about it, you won't have a garden for long. Weeds will always grow, so if you love your garden, you will always have to work it. There will never be a time where you don't have to work, so you better love gardening. You have to pay attention to the threats in your life, church, business, family, etc. A drop of poison in a pot of soup is still a drop of poison. Save your garden, remove the weeds. Procrastination will lead to severe damage, if not fatality.

Third, the work is worth the labor.
When something does grow, it's the most rewarding feeling ever. Life is beautiful, if you make it beautiful. Watching something you've tended and placed in God's hands flourish is one of the best feelings ever. If you don't work, you will never experience this type of joy. The fruit that you gain from a life of hard, honest, and valuable work is amazing. What's even better is when you get to share that fruit with someone else.

What are you growing?