Monday, January 6, 2014

How To Make Successful New Year's Resolutions

With New Years Day less than a week behind us, many of us have made some "resolutions" of some sort. These challenges we've placed on ourselves may be in the area of health, relationships, spirituality, finances, or skill-specific. Whatever your resolution may be, here are a few steps you can take to ensure that you succeed (or at least grow from failure).

1. Set realistic, specific, time-bound goals.
The easiest way to fail at goal-setting is to have a goal that is not well-thought through. You can't dream all day about the sweet taste of achieving your goal yet fail to dream about how you are going to actualize it. 
A goal needs to be realistic: "Run a four minute mile by June" might not be a very realistic goal for someone who wants to start running for the first time in a very long time. Instead of setting yourself up for failure, set a goal you know you can accomplish by putting in hard work. Yes, you should always aim high, and miracles do happen, but so do accidents. Also, unrealistic goals may cause feelings of depression that are associated with repeated failure, and may turn you off from trying to improve. Be sure to consult someone with prior success in the area in which you are aiming to improve. They may have some good insight that can help you set a realistic goal. (Or not, but it doesn't hurt to ask!)
A goal needs to be specific: "I want to become more spiritual" is too vague. If you cannot measure your goal, you may want to consider wording it in a more definite way. For example, instead of writing "I will read the Bible more", one can write "I will read a chapter a day for one year." If your goal is not specific, you will never be able to track your progress, and you will never attain the satisfaction of actually reaching your goal. There is always room for improvement in every area of life, so chasing an unspecific goal will lead to dissatisfaction. 
A goal needs to be time-bound: If you don't give yourself a deadline, you will not prioritize your goal. Be sure to give yourself a time limit on an assignment in order to avoid procrastinating and saving it for last. If you're making something a resolution, it's most likely because it's important to you, so prioritize it! 
2.  Find ways to encourage you to succeed.
A small treat? An outing? An hour of relaxation? These are all great rewards you can give yourself for taking big steps towards accomplishing your goal. Went for a run every day for a week? Get a professional massage! Ate healthy all week? You deserve a piece of cheesecake! Spent the whole week working hard and being productive? Go buy yourself something nice! While you should never over-indulge, a little picker-upper at the end of a productive week will only motivate you to do it all again the following week!
3. Change your perspective.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our situation that we fail to see how good we have it. When we get stuck in this "stress mode", we often give up or slack on our goals cause we feel life will always kick us back down again. Every morning remind yourself that you are blessed, no matter what situation you find yourself in because you had the pleasure of waking up. You have to walk to work? Great! At least you CAN walk! I don't mean to say that your life isn't hard, or that you should put on a fake front and pretend everything is okay, but there is power in perspective. Every day that you wake up is another opportunity to change your life for the better. If you are struggling with changing your perspective and find yourself constantly feeling down and out, I encourage you to pray for joy and peace that only Jesus can give you, or email me at 
4. Surround yourself with people who have success in the area of interest.
It's easy to give up on your goals when deep down inside you think they are impossible. By surrounding yourself with people who have done what you wish to do, you are subconsciously reminding yourself that what God can do in their life can be done in your life. King Solomon writes, "There is nothing new under the sun. What will be done has been done." While in the context of the text this may seem a little gloomy, when you apply it to goal-setting, it's actually encouraging to know that someone has done what you want to do! 
What if I want to do something no one has ever done?...
5. Surround yourself with positive people.
Just like with perspective, there is power in positivity. While many Christians criticize the positive-thinking approach, it's been proven that people who surround themselves with positive people tend to accomplish more! The Bible speaks clearly about surrounding yourself with the right crowd.Can you imagine being around someone who is always criticizing your actions and aspirations? (Some of you might be saying, "I don't have to imagine it... I live with someone like that.) I'm not saying that you should cut that Negative Nancy out of your life, but for every negative person in your life, be sure to have two positive people just as close relationally! Sometimes we need to hear that someone else believes in us in order to believe in ourselves. If you're a pessimist, don't worry, there's still hope! Begin surrounding yourself with positive people, and their positivity will begin to rub off on you! If you feel like you can't seem to find anyone who provides that positivity in your in life, you may also email me at the email address listed above. Find rest knowing that God believes in you so much, and has plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future. 

For more tips on living a more abundant life, feel free to email me, or visit us at and check out our podcasts. We'd love to help you in any way possible!

God bless,
Alexander Sosa